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上海市内分泌代谢病临床医学中心 2012-8-24 点击:15333
第五届“瑞金国际内分泌论坛-转化医学研究”将于2012年10月20至22日(周六至周日)在上海举行。本次论坛由上海市内分泌代谢病临床医学中心、《Journal of Diabetes》、《中华内分泌代谢杂志》主办。大会已邀请到在Zachary Bloomgarden教授(美国)、Robert Gagel(美国)、Marc Prentki教授(加拿大)、Donghui Li教授(美国)、Jarcques Phillippe教授(瑞士)、Aldons Lusis教授(美国)、Yibin Wang教授(美国),以及詹启敏教授、宁光教授等国内外知名专家学者及权威杂志编委做精彩学术报告。本次论坛主席为宁光教授(中国)和Zachary Bloomgarden教授(美国)。大会官方语言为英文,提供中英文同声翻译。 The 5th Ruijin International Endocrine Symposium The 5th Ruijin International Endocrine Symposium is to be held in October 20-22th 2012, Shanghai, China. The Symposium will focus on translational study in Endocrinology and co-chaired by Dr. Guang Ning from China and Dr. Zachary Bloomgarden from USA. Starting from 2004, the Symposium has been held every two years covering ‘endocrine tumor’, ‘islet beta cell dysfunction’, ‘diabetes and cardiovascular disease’, ‘insulin, beta cell and cancer’. It has been established as a delicate stage for extensive discussions and inspring thoughts exchange in the field of endocrinology & metabolic diseases. The official language will be English and there will be simultaneous translation. The registration fee is 1500¥, covering dining and conference materials. Please contact Yan Xu at xuyanrr@yahoo.com.cn.
中华医学会内分泌学分会 |