Society representation at the 9th national Chinese Society of Endocrinology meeting
On August 26 - 29, 2010, the Chinese Society of Endocrinology (CSE) held its 9th national meeting in Dalian, Liaoning province, China. Upon the invitation from Dr. Guang Ning, president of the CSE, a TES delegation organized by the International Endocrine Scholars Task Force attended the meeting. Among the participants were Dr. John P. Bilezikian (ColumbiaUniversity), Dr. Robert M. Carey (University of Virginia), Dr. Sally A. Camper (University of Michigan), and Dr. Zhenqi Liu (University of Virginia).

(TES delegates with CSE leadership at the opening ceremony. From left: Dr. Zhengpei Zeng (CSE past president), Dr. Zhenqi Liu, Dr. John P. Bilezikian, Dr. Robert M. Carey, Dr. Sally A. Camper, Dr. Guang Ning (CSE president), and Dr. Weiping Teng (CSE president-elect)
As an emerging leader in science and medicine, China has made significant contributions to basic and clinical biomedical research. Under the leadership of Dr. Guang Ning, the CSE has initiated collaborations with various endocrine societies in an effort to increase its international visibility and to enhance its ongoing development. Many young and promising Chinese endocrinologists are being trained in the US and other developed nations, with the hope that they will lead the CSE in the future. This vision fits perfectly with the core mission of the International Endocrine Scholars Task Force of TES. After several enthusiastic discussions between Dr. Ning and Dr. Liu, a delegation from the TES was invited to attend the meeting.
The delegates had extensive interaction with the CSE leadership during their stay in China. On behalf of the Society, Dr. Carey addressed the congress at the opening ceremony. In addition to wishing the congress success, he emphasized the importance of collaboration between the two societies in the combat against various endocrine and metabolic disorders. Each delegate gave 1 or 2 presentations and participated in the Young Scholars Symposium to help select potential International Endocrine Scholars.
The meeting created an open dialog about the possibilities of ongoing collaboration between the two societies. Drs. Carey and Liu had a candid discussion with Drs. Ning and Teng, CSE President and President-elect, on potential ways to collaborate in the future. Each side expressed great enthusiasm and promised to keep the communication channel open. Dr. Liu has volunteered to liaison between the two societies.