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中国医科大学附属第一医院内分泌科 2015-11-10 点击:23379

欢迎访问www.endotext.org www.thyroidmanager.org !

    Endotext Thyroidmanager是唯一能够以在线网络书籍的形式提供完整的内分泌学和甲状腺领域临床(和基础)资料的网站。网站内容由超过400名优秀的作者和编辑提供,他们致力于获取最佳信息、给予全球内分泌患者以关爱和照顾。这两个网站以临床为导向,由兼任教师的临床执业医师(非无临床经验的编者)撰写内容,旨在指导内分泌医生、实习生以及其他医护从业者的临床实践。所有内容均全面完整,具有权威性且无偏倚,并且持续更新疾病发生机制及治疗方式的新进展。最为重要的是,这些信息在全美及全球均可免费获取。每年网站会彻底更新替换三分之一的网络书籍。使用者需在网站注册但并不需要付费使用。每个使用者均可免费在网站上复制和下载信息,可用于个人使用或教学,亦可打印。尽管网络上的确有很多具有竞争力的医学信息资源,但在质量、时效以及内容深度上,我们的网站可谓独树一帜。与此同时,我们欢迎用户将网站上的内容与任何其他网站发表的内分泌文章进行对比。我们的网站已经上线15年,并旨在成为医学网站中的纽约时报ENDOTEXT.ORG是由NIH/NLM/NCBI的书再版而来,并且所有章节都被收录在Pubmed中(因此ENDOTEXT荣幸成为世界上唯一的内分泌在线文集)。我们的网站由捐赠、教育补助金、一些广告以及通过象征性收费的形式销售章节的PDF副本来支持。


我们开发了一款智能手机应用软件,即ENDOCRINOLOGY and ENDOCRINE EMERGENCIES,可用于安卓,苹果系统以及我们的网站。软件涵盖了36种内分泌急症、2000篇文字简练但全面的以紧急处理为指导的文章。





 Welcome to www.endotext.org and www.thyroidmanager.org !

Endotext and thyroidmanager are unique resources providing complete coverage of clinical (and basic) aspects of endocrinology and thyroidology in an on-line web-book format. They are produced by over 400 outstanding authors and editors with the single goal of making the best information on care of endocrine patients available to care-givers around the world. The websites are clinically oriented, written by practitioner-teacher MDs (not lay-editors), and directed to practicing endocrinologists, trainees and other health professionals. Both are comprehensive, authoritative, non-biased, constantly updated with the latest information on disease mechanisms and treatments, and most importantly, free to anyone in the USA or world. One third of the web-books are totally replaced each year. Users are asked to register but don't pay for use of the website. Every reader is free to copy and download the material, for personal use and for teaching, and print it out for convenience, without charge. Although there are certainly many competing sources of medical information available on the internet, the quality, the timeliness, and depth of coverage on our site sets them apart from all others, and we invite critical comparison to any publish endocrine text. We have been on-line continuously for 15years and intend to be the “NY times” of medical web sites.ENDOTEXT.ORG is re-published by NIH/NLM/NCBI Books, and all chapters are indexed in Pubmed. (We note that Endotext is the only endocrine text in the world so honored.)We are supported by donations, educational grants, some ads, and sale of PDF copies of chapters at a nominal charge.

In addition to our 280 chapters on Endocrinology, we have several other sections of interest--

--We offer a smart phone APP “ENDOCRINOLOGY and ENDOCRINE EMERGENCIES”, available on ANDROID and IPHONEs, and on our website. The APP covers 36 endocrine emergencies, and “urgencies” with 2000 word brief but thorough “instance-of-care” oriented articles.

--Our author/experts answer questions about difficult cases submitted by any MD.

--We have a CME program based on reading chapters in ENDOTEXT, and administered in collaboration with the University of Mississippi.

--Our sites include a large series of algorithms on management of specific endocrine conditions.


Take a look. Sometimes in life you can receive a valuable gift totally free.


地址:北京市东城区东四西大街42号 100710
电话:: +86 10 8515 8129 / 8497 传真: +86 10 8515 8132
Email:xshwb#263.net 网站:https://endo.cma.org.cn"
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